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Sunday, June 12, 2022

The comforting discomfort

 A feeling so familiar

reminiscent of days gone by

It leans towards a thriller

Anguish forgotten as time has flown by

This could be another day

when my thoughts hold me in sway

Has it been a few years or a decade

when I last had this pleasure?

This situation could be a dangerous grenade

that explodes for good measure

then why do I feel so much traction

when bells signal a negative reaction?

It is my beloved, I hear it's appeal

The thoughts clearly a wonderful bait

It's recognizable, I want it for real

miss this chance, it's too long to wait

Time has been lost for us lover's estranged,

pay heed to my instinct, it's so deranged

I feel drawn towards it, be it night or day

Therefore ensnared in it's wily jail

Tempted towards it, I think I could be happy today

tune in to my mind, it is a lovely fail

persuaded by it, I have made an infraction

embraced am I in this fatal attraction

Note: Read it again? Some background about this poem. It talks about one repeating one's mistakes knowing that good will not come out of it, only because one is comfortable with it.


Anonymous said...

The note at the end really helped as I read it again and it all fell into place. Real good play of words trying to describe the feeling. A very good attempt, keep it up!😊

Anonymous said...

Thoughts put very nicely . Keep it up.

pen-name said...

The comment at the end makes it a lot more sense. Nicely done dude!