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Sunday, May 15, 2022

I hope she hears

 I need my phone to make call

There is someone out there

So, I rush down the hall

There is so much I want to share

I hope to get her when she has a slot,

because with her work she is busy a lot

I need my phone, oh! I see it there

Still seated on the sofa, lest I forget

A glimpse of it; I race like a hare

This took too long, I feel regret

She might be busy is one of my fears

But if she is away, I hope she hears

I have my phone, in my hand

unlocking it is not great mystery

I cuddle it like it is a top notch brand

Smile not, for we have some history

No one would have thought such a plot

Because with her work, she is busy alot

Without further ado, I dial her number

the ring does a sound like a snail

The time is high to wake from slumber

I pray she picks up before voicemail

It has been ringing a while, the end nears

If she is away, I hope she hears

Note: This is a generic poem that can hold true for anyone. I have used the word "she" rather than "he/she/they" as it is easier to use a singular term, but there is no singular term to cover men and women that I can think of


pen-name said...

Very well written.

Anonymous said...

Feelings nicely brought out 👍

Anonymous said...

Exellent god bless you

Anonymous said...

Super cool Cho!! Very nicely, feelings nicely expressed!!😃😃😊😊

Anonymous said...

Is it your twin that inspired this?? 🤔

Anonymous said...

Well written, hope hears it😊

Anonymous said...

Waao, looks like someone important, who is making you so nervous.
Very well expressed :)

Anonymous said...

Nice Monsieur….

Nina B. said...

Beautifully expressed, Sid.