One often wonders as to how the world would have been without the industrial advancement. All advancements have lead to more complexities rather than helping to solve the problems. For us only it has become tough to cope up with these, then what about for the other life forms? With the large amount of deforestation taking place and with the increase in pollution and human population, animals and in general all species are dying a slow death, with life being eked away from them painfully and forcefully. It has become a thing of the past to worry about the after affects of some so called achievements (as in huge construction projects, converting villages to towns and then to cities, etc...). We humans have become so greedy (but foolish) that fame has become the ultimate goal, not stopping to think for one moment its consequences.
It does not mean that if other life forms had been given larger brains and more power, they would have followed the right path and made right decisions. However, being the so called supreme species makes us more responsible for our actions and more answerable to one and all. This is what initial education was based upon and needs to be continually stressed in current education, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Slowly voices are being raised at these atrocities being done day in and day out, but these are far too few and rare. As the saying goes, easier said than done, one should convert his own words into action which is the most difficult part. Only when this is done, will there be harmony in this world.
It perhaps now is too late to bring about such a drastic change in society but it should begin with small changes that we should bring about in our actions, which will lead to benefits later on. One should realize the importance of all species around us; this is when we will get true satisfaction.
Different countries have different rights but these are only for us human beings. Then what became of those basic unspoken rights that are required so as to uphold the balance in nature?? Without these, it can be said that our planet is dying a slow death.